The world is a bit of a scary place right now – but rest assured that, for the moment, 4Pillar Early Learning Centre is here to help with your childcare needs over spring break.

We follow the guidelines and recommendations set forth by the BC Health Authority. As of yet, daycares have not been asked to shut their doors. Until then, we are focussed on one thing: the health and wellbeing of the children in our care, and our family of workers who make our daily operations possible.

We ask only one thing of parents in this difficult time: please DO NOT bring your children into care if they are showing ANY signs of illness. This could be a cough, runny nose, sore throat, hot & itchy ears, upset stomach, to any of the more sever signs, like throwing up, fever and chills. We know how difficult it is to arrange to stay home with your kids when they’re ill, but containing the spread of any and all illnesses at this time is crucial. If your child does come in with any symptoms, we will ask you take them home or pick them up immediately.

We would like to thank all 4Pillar families for their support and understanding. We will keep you all informed of any developments or changes in our scheduled programming. Please stay safe & healthy.